Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

CSR Operation Structure
Under the general manager's office, set up a corporate social responsibility team and responsible for planning “implementation of corporate governance”, “sustainable development and environment”, “maintaining social welfare”, and the general manager as the convener.
PARPRO CSR Terms of Reference
The main function of PARPRO CSR team as follows:
- Formulate and review corporate social responsibility policies and systems.
- The planning and promotion projects and delivered to the relevant departments for approval after approval by the general manager.
- Annually implementation report to the Board of Directors.
Sustainable Development of Environment
Our “Environmental Protection and Management Practices” focus on energy saving, carbon reduction, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reduce water or other wastes management policies, and strict execution; and then to reduce the company's impact on climate change of the operation.
According to our “Supplier Management Operations Codes”, Incorporated supplier past records of Impact of environmental and social assessment into evaluation criteria.
By implementing our “Environmental Protection and Management Practices” policy, suppliers jointly improve environmental protection and fulfill corporate social responsibility.
We proactively push Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) concept to our major suppliers; inform them about “Corporate Social Responsibility Commitments for Supplier“ and a common commitment to
have the power of environmental protection, safety, health, and promised to step forward together. if found in violation of commitments, we will reduce procurement.
Supplier CSR Commitments
Greenhouse gas management's strategy
PARPRO Technology uses of raw materials from the production, transportation, product manufacturing, product transport, product to product disposal after treatment, and all the processes of environmental impact caused both into account. Additionally, operations during the implementation of the conservation of electricity, achieve reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, resource use reduction targets; all with a view to minimizing the ecological impact on the environment.
Greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.
1 to 2% annual reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared with the previous year.
Annual greenhouse gas emissions statistics and the Countermeasures.
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
Industrial Relations and Company Policy
Social Welfare
Staff welfare measures and the implementation
Legal welfare measures: National Health Insurance, Labor Insurance, Labor Retirement Reserve Fund, and Mention Pay Labor Pensions.
Special offering: according to company policy and distribute annual employee compensation, capital increase warrants, festivals and performance bonuses, employee education and training programs, regular health checks, and we offer free lunch in the staff canteen.
Welfare Committee: Three Major Chinese festival grants paying, birthday gifts, wedding or funeral grants, injuries condolence payments, regular employees of tourism activities, and other events or activities.
Employee education, training, and implementation scenarios
Our “Training Programs" as a regulation of training operations, employee development, and implementation.
To enable employees to understand the company history, vision, and mission. Additionally, becoming familiar with the working environment and the relevant regulations. PARPRO provides three months pre-vocational training new employees; heads of departments for other new entrants in the sector of the implementation of professional staff training, so that employees have the ability to have encountered the work of business execution.
Continuing to improve employee performance and expertise, every department not only follow the company's development goals but prepare an annual education training program and implement internal training. Furthermore, PARPRO assign employees to participate in internal and external training related to the business, that experience and knowledge can be passed on, and timely absorption of the latest information
2016 annual education and training related program Implementation results: Course categories include internal audit, general management classes; Total 26 courses, 2,059 training hours, 661 training people, etc…
Employees retirement system and implementation
In order to enhance the labor retirement safety net, strengthening the relationship between employers and employees, the executive pension law aside.
Applicable to the Labor Standard Laws (LSL) old system: our retirement policy accordance the Labor Standards Law, and a monthly contribution pension Bank of Taiwan into law, referred to the Labor Pension Oversight Committee reserves management, the old system to handle the 2017 employees in the first quarter according to the law settle.
Employees apply the Labor Standard Laws (LSL) new system: according to the Labor Pension Act, PARPRO paid a monthly gross salary of 6% set aside retirement reserve into BLI management accounts.
Labor agreement and the employees' rights safeguard measures
PARPRO comply with the Labor Standards Law and other relevant laws and regulations to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers. To create harmonious labor relations, we regularly held Labor-Management Conference to Provide employee complaints channel and ensure it is smooth. Since PARPRO establishment, labor relations are harmonious and no coordinate due to labor disputes of circumstances.
PARPRO has a complete set of welfare measures and the management approach, Included the rights and obligations of employees and welfare programs, and regularly review welfare content, in order to safeguard the interests of employees.
Protection of employees working environment and personal safety
PARPPRO accordance with the Labor Safety and Health Act and related sub-law regulations, and established labor safety and health management staff and manager to implement labor safety and health items.
Through regular maintenance and repair to ensure our facilities’ and equipment Safe and healthy, and to protect the health and safety of employees.
PARPRO has set “Code of Contractors Health and Safety Management Measures" included in the safety regulations to be observed by contract manufacturers, to avoid possible damage on the facilities for the project.
Certification or License
PARPRO has achieved:
ISO-13485 conformity certification (of medical equipment management system)
ISO-14001 conformity certification (environmental management system)
Click here for all PARPRO location certifications.